Virtual Learning Procedures

It is our priority to provide in-person instruction for the 22-23 school year; however, we recognize the weather is unpredictable and we are still navigating a pandemic. In the event of a school closure, we may utilize a Virtual Learning Day (PDE-approved Flexible Instructional Day). Virtual Learning Days may be used as a school day that has been cancelled due to inclement weather or school closure due to COVID-19. Students and families will receive notification through text and/or email, the district’s website, Facebook page, as well as reported on the local radio and television stations. 


Students will use the 2-hour delay schedule. All students will log into school with a link sent by their teacher. Attendance of your child will be determined by their attendance during live instruction. Students and parents/guardians may use the first two hours of the school day to access support from their teachers during teacher office hours.  

  • Park Elementary will begin at 10:30 AM 

  • Taylor Middle will begin at 10:00 AM 

  • Hill Campus will begin at 10:00 AM 

During virtual learning, students: 

  • must participate in live instruction that mirrors the classroom experience, with a combination of live teaching, opportunities for students to raise their hand and ask questions, group work, interactive activities, and other opportunities for students to engage in collaboration, and/or differentiated activities AND will be able to access their teacher during their regularly scheduled classes. 

  • have learning experiences that are manageable but also challenging. 

  • participate in group work and/or independent work. 

  • will receive feedback on their learning. 


The school district will make every effort to continue to provide free breakfast and lunch for K-12 students on Virtual Learning Days.  Weather permitting, we will communicate grab and go pick up times and locations on our website, Facebook, and through @CBSDAlert Notification Group on Remind.