Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

**For the safety and security of all students, please follow the expected arrival and dismissal procedures:


  • Doors will open at 8:20 a.m. After picking up breakfast (if they choose), students will go directly to their classrooms.

  • All students arriving in vehicles must be dropped off at the Sixth Street drop-off lane.

  • Students in grades K-2 enter through the main entrance on Sixth St.

  • Students in grades 3-4 enter using the lower Cherry St. playground doors. If students in grades 3-4 are dropped off by vehicle, they must exit the vehicle using the drop-lane on Sixth Street and walk around to the side of the building.

  • Please do not park in the bus lane during arrival or dismissal. This area is marked with “No Parking” signs.

  • Students arriving after 8:30 a.m. are considered tardy and will need to enter through the main office.


  • Sixth Street will be closed to vehicle traffic between 2:45-3:20 p.m.

  • Bus & Daycare pickup and drop-off will be from Cherry Street.

  • Please do not park in the bus lane during arrival or dismissal. This area is marked with “No Parking” signs.

  • All students will be dismissed with their class at 3:05 p.m. Parents/family members must check in with the teacher prior to the student leaving for the day.

  • Students in grades K-1 will be dismissed from the main school entrance on Sixth Street.

  • Kindergarten students will line up along Sixth Street near the corner of Cherry St.

  • First Grade will line up along Sixth Street near the main entrance.

  • Students in Second Grade will dismiss via the staff parking lot doors.

  • Second grade will line up between the school and library.

  • Third and Fourth Grade students will be dismissed via Cherry St. Doors.

  • All 3rd and 4th grade students will be considered independent walkers. We encourage families to designate a meeting place prior to the first day of school. (Ex. Sixth St., Jansen Park, Locust Park, outside CVS, etc.)